sábado, 17 de marzo de 2012

The other side of the door

Can you hear me? I’m right across the door. I know I’m not talking, but here I stand, breathing. I’ve been in this room forever having a vague idea of the existence of something else out there. It has not only been forever, but now it also feels like forever. Something changed. I can hear you now. I know you are out there, standing at the other side of the door. I take a step forward, hesitant at first. I stop right in the middle of my way to the door. From in between the silence, comes the sound of your heavy breathing, and all of a sudden, I understand the words you never utter. You lean both of your hands over the door and let your head fall against it. I imagine your face and how your eyes would look if I was in the same side as you. Your eyes are closed. I take two more steps toward the door, less hesitant this time. I draw my hand close to the door knob and then withdraw it before I reach it as I realize I can’t open it. Then, I, too, lean my head over the door and put my hands exactly where your hands would be. I can feel the heat emanating from your hands and crossing the wood they lean over. Could it be my imagination? I can tell you too can hear me breathing. In my head, I play a movie. In this movie of mine, I run to the drawer next to my bed. You can hear that I’m frantically looking for something. The noise stops as I find it. I run back to the door and kneel. Without saying anything, I pass it to you through the slit under the door. You bend over and find out it’s a key. I hear the sound of the little metal piece trying desperately to get into the lock. I take a step back. On my side, I see how the door knob moves down. The door, the one that had always been closed, is now opening. I’m not even sure I know how it happened. All I know, is I want it to open. I hold my breath… somehow, the movie in my head crosses through the wooden door to your side. As if it was a melody, it enters your brain, slowly flooding your mind. Your eyes open. Standing under the doorframe, you look at me. You look me in the eyes and I am paralyzed. I was right; I have known you all the time. Your foot crosses the doorway and into my room. I stand still as you, without uncertainty, stride towards me. We don’t speak, and what we once suspected would happen, happens. We are standing at different sides of the door, our backs against it. I move to my left and reach to the door. You turn your head right and your left hand follows. I have never seen you but already know how you look like; you know every angle of me. As the door remains locked, we breathe and share the same air that comes and goes through the slit. I don’t know where the key to the lock is, and you have no idea of when I will find it…but there, sitting on the floor, I wait, and all I can do is hope that you too, will want to wait.

Ps. I didn't pay attention to what the lyrics said, but the feelings I felt while writting this go with the melody of this song.

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